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Monday, January 30, 2017

Upcycled plastic water bottle tea light holder

2017 has dawned bright and fresh ...and brought with it new ideas and inspirations :-)

My first project for the year is an upcycled plastic water bottle tea light holder. This is a great way to repurpose something that would otherwise end up in a landfill, if not properly recycled.

First, you'll need a large plastic water bottle. Using a pen knife, slice around the bottle so that the bottom 1/4 section comes off.

Fill up the bottom section with a variety of stuff - art sand, pebbles, beads, marbles, other craft materials... and place a tea light on the top.

In this example, I used black-tinted art sand for the base, a layer of white rock sale, several layers of small and large multicoloured pebbles, a couple of stalks of cloves to emit a nice aroma when the candle is lit, and, of course, a tea light.

Voila! A perfectly usable tea light holder for your patio table or garden area. :-)

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